When you're looking for job opportunities outside the ADF, think about your transferable skills and experience. What industries could use your skills? Do you need further training to get where you want to go?

If you are unsure of what types of jobs suit your needs and skills, it might help to talk to a careers counsellor. Defence provides assistance to prepare for civilian employment.

Job search tools for veterans

There are a range of tools to look for your next role. You can find positions through:

  • Career or company websites
  • Job boards or fairs
  • Dedicated veteran employment or support organisations
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Social media networking
  • Referrals or cold calling.

Find a veteran-friendly workplace

The Veteran Employment Commitment (VEC) is a public commitment by businesses to support the employment of veterans. The VEC is for all Australian organisations that recognise the skills and experience of our former ADF members and support veterans in the civilian workplace.

Signing the VEC shows an organisation’s commitment to employing Australia’s veterans and creating an environment where they can perform at their best. 

You can browse the list of organisations that have signed the VEC to identify veteran-friendly employers based on their location, industry and business size.

Workforce Australia

The Australian Government's Workforce Australia's website lists jobs flagged as Defence Force Experience Desirable. 

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Workforce Australia website
  2. Put in your search parameters and press 'Search'
  3. Open 'Filter & sort'
  4. Under 'Vacancy Type' select 'Defence Force Experience Desirable'
  5. Press 'Apply filters'

It is also worth searching for the word 'veteran'. Many employers identify their interest in employing veterans in the job description. 

Workforce Australia also provides veteran specific advice and resources to assist your job search.

Job search websites and apps

The Australian Government's Jobs Hub website lists job opportunities and also provides advice and resources for matching skills to job types, exploring vocational and educational training (VET) and more. 

See our Find jobs in the public sector page for job search websites for the Australian Public Service and the State and Territory public sectors.

Seek is one of Australia's larger job marketplaces, allowing you to search for job vacancies by location, industry, pay scale or area of interest. You can create a profile to attract interest from prospective employers and use the details in your profile to build an online resume.

Explore Your Career is a home of career information where you can search Industries and Occupations to find a career that's right for you, and what you can do to get there. It also includes links to Fee-Free TAFE, apprenticeship support and options for specific industries.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in information technology, you can explore the different careers available and undertake some free online courses at Skill Finder.

CivStart is a free, one-stop mobile companion for younger veterans looking to translate their ADF skills to the civilian job market. CivStart can be downloaded Australia-wide for free on Apple and Google Play. The app is completely anonymous and does not collect personal data.

Veteran-focused employment platforms and services

There are a range of veteran-focused employment platforms and services that can assist you to find a job. 

These include not-for-profit and for-profit agencies that may offer job boards, job-matching and employment placement. Some are listed below - find out what will work best for you. 

Australian Partners of Defence

RSL Australian Capital Territory Veterans’ Employment Program

RSL NSW Veterans' Employment Program

RSL Queensland Veteran Employment Program

RSL South Australia Veterans' Employment Program

RSL Western Australia & Working Spirit Transition Employment Portal

Jobs Victoria online jobs hub

Soldier On

The Field (Inclusive employment focus)

Workforce Australia

Working Spirit


Ironside Resources


JobFairX Virtual Job Fairs (filter for veteran)


Right Management (Manpower Group)

BUSYAbility (Disability Employment and Employment Services)



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