The Veteran Employment Program (VEP) delivers initiatives that support Australian organisations to improve employment outcomes for Australian Defence Force (ADF) veterans.

The VEP:

  • promotes the skills veterans bring to the civilian workforce to increase employment opportunities for veterans and partners
  • encourages and supports employers to recruit and retain veterans and to build veteran-inclusive environments
  • delivers targeted programs and resources to support the collective efforts of the veteran employment community.

The VEP undertakes a range of initiatives including: 

The Veteran Employment Commitment

Joining the Veteran Employment Commitment (VEC) demonstrates an organisation’s public commitment to employing Australia’s veterans and creating an environment where they can perform at their best. 

Organisations can be recognised at one of three levels, determined by the veteran employment activities they actively demonstrate. Apply to join the Veteran Employment Commitment here.

Veterans and partners seeking employment can search for VEC organisations here.

Employer education and support

The For employers pages host a range of advice, resources, guides and templates employers can use to implement and enhance veteran employment policies, practices and initiatives in their workplaces.

The Veteran Employer Webinar Series provides an opportunity for employers to learn from other employers and subject matter experts. Learn more about the series, view past events and register for upcoming webinars here.

Veteran and partner resources

The VEP develops resources to support veterans and partners as they move to civilian employment and progress in their civilian careers. 

In the For veterans section, find advice and tips on moving to civilian employment, finding a job and undertaking further education. Resources include the Veteran Employment Toolkit, the Core Skills Identifier and a searchable list of veteran-friendly employers

The For partners section provides information regarding employment supports available for partners, as well as resources to support partners during, and post-, separation from the ADF.

The Prime Minister’s National Veteran Employment Awards

The Awards recognise organisations that make significant contributions to the employment of veterans and veteran and ADF partners as well as individual veterans and partners succeeding as employees and entrepreneurs. Find out more here.

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