Excellence in Supporting Partner Employment

Alison Bannister is a dedicated Career Coach providing employment skills and training to help Australian Defence Force Partners, and women returning to the workforce or exploring business opportunities to get back on track with their careers.

Over the last 12 months, Alison has supported over 20 ADF partners to secure meaningful employment.

Nuala F. explains “After posting interstate, Alison has made this journey an enjoyable one and helped me gain the confidence to apply successfully for positions I previously felt were out of reach.

I've learned a lot about the job search process, and she has increased my confidence immeasurably. 100% recommend! ”

Amanda A. shared: “After having worked for myself for 20 years and then taken a 4 year break with moving countries, I really didn't know how I was going to fit into the job market again. Alison completely turned that around. Her coaching has not only rebuilt my confidence to get back out there again but shared her intimate knowledge of the regions job market to identify how and where to start. She has made the world of difference.”

Kristina B. said: "Alison really helped me gain confidence to get back into the workforce after being on Mat leave for 11 months. After just one webinar, her personality just clicked with me and I felt confident with her helping me with my journey! I recently started a new job too."

Alison instils confidence in each of her clients. She guides and encourages them during each step of their unique process and makes it her business to understand the unique and specific characteristics of being a partner to a serving member of the Defence Force.

One of Alison’s strengths is helping Defence Force Partners to recognise their own value, ultimately rebuilding their confidence particularly if they have been out of the workforce for some time. Highlighting their unique skills, experience and positive work traits enables each individual to more easily communicate their value to future employers. 

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