• Current Veteran Employment Commitment
  • Your details
  • Your organisation
  • Your organisation (cont)
  • Your organisation's activities
  • Declaration
  • Preview
  • Complete

How to apply for the VEC

Please see the activity requirements and guidance for: 

Before beginning the VEC application form, please review the ‘how to apply’ documentation and preview of the form to understand all the questions and what you need to provide.

Please note, all applications must be submitted via the online form, no hard-copy applications or email submissions will be accepted. The form is best viewed on a desktop or tablet device, not a mobile.

What happens once you submit your application? 

We review your application and supporting documentation to assess and allocate your VEC level. We also undertake a range of due diligence checks to ensure alignment with the integrity of the commitment and Veteran Employment Program, including but not limited to a Fair Work Ombudsman compliance history search. This may take up to three weeks.

DVA is committed to collecting, handling and storage of information according to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Archives Act 1983. DVA generally uses and discloses personal information only for the primary purpose for which it is collected. DVA takes reasonable steps to ensure the personal information it handles is protected from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access and illegal modification and disclosure. You can read more information about DVA’s privacy policy on our website.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation including your relevant VEC level logo. We will then upload your organisation profile and logo to the VEC member organisations page on the Veteran Employment Program website

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